Bloggers, The WSOP, and the IRS

I'm finally spiritually ready for Vegas. My plans and logistics have changed daily over the last weeks, but I'm ready to lock and load. Today I will seal the deal on a nice sublet. It is apparently not frequented by crack whores, so I think we're all going to have to defer to Pauly's blog during the WSOP for coverage of that hallowed Vegas action.
I'm looking forward to kicking off my trip right with the WPBT Summer Classic. I had such a blast at the Winter Classic, although there were some things I missed out on. I never got the hammer during the tournament; not once. I never had my picture taken with Al Can't Hang. (I see my secret is out - I do have a crush on the big guy - who doesn't?) And I didn't make the money. I'm looking forward to addressing all those issues this year. In anticipation of the Classic, all my blog pictures today are from the Winter Classic, starting out with Whiskeytown. Whiskytown needs some help getting back his poker mojo. I think the Summer Classic is up to the job.

While I liked Whiskey's T-Shirt, this was another that I liked. If you have trouble reading it, it says, "If poker was easy, it would be called your mom." How sweet.
I noticed that the Gold Coast is having a supersat for the WSOP ladies event on the 7th; maybe jet lag will give me the edge. They are going to cap it at 200 players and I'm guessing it will be jammed. Last year I got almost no poker in at the WSOP. I think my bubble performance in the media event was the only time I touched cards in 47 days. It was painful. This year, I will be working the other side of the work/play equation.
Last night Lou Krieger and I had an interesting guest on Hold'em radio. Randi Levenbaum is a financial planner, a poker player, and a devout participant of the Wednesday Poker Discussion Group in Las Vegas. She had great financial planning advice for poker players. She is also a kindred spirit relative to living life on the cheap. I think I've met my match in comp whoring. I'm definitely going to pick Randi's brain in Vegas for scoring deals. She also talked about taxes and backing. So many people go into backing and sharing deals during the WSOP - and inevitably someone gets the short end of the IRS stick. Guys - if you're exchanging action or backing, you need this IRS form filled out when you get your payout.

Hey Amy -- I just won a WSOP Bracelet Race on full tilt this week, so it looks like I will be going to the WPBT Summer Classic after all. I'm really psyched and just have to figure out all the plans, reservations, etc. I guess I might be playing in the $2500 nlh event on Friday, July 7, I just need to firm up all those plans. Anyways I'm looking forward to meeting you and hopefully being in some new pictures you can put up on the blog in advance of the December 2006 WPBT get together.
I missed the classic - but I'm in full bore WSOP satellite mode and flush with a 2nd place tourney win -
If I can win a satellite and win another satellite, I MIGHT have a shot to spend 5 days in Vegas with a shot to win money - woo hoo!!!!!
I like Vegas better in winter anyways - count me in already for the winter classic.
Online Poker - offered free bankrolls for start play without any risk, for new advanced and beginner sharks - all possible $50 bankrolls.
Roadrunner - Good Poker Day
thank you for so much information I would love to be able to receive information in my e-mail is appreciated the effort a hug
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