Burning and Churning

Like seven inches from the midday sun - Santana
The heat is on. If I need to do anything that requires leaving the house it has to be before 9:30am or after 7:00pm unless it's a trip to the pool. While most Texans are planning their escape to cooler climates, I am finalizing my plans to spend the summer in the only place hotter than the Lone Star state.
I have attended at least part of the WSOP for the last five years; as an observer, a freelancer or under contract. While I knew I was not going miss going out this year, I had no firm idea of the whats and whens. And with the current changes in the media restrictions, many of the media players had no idea either.
I had been keeping my options open and had thrown out a few proposals to a number of outlets - but I was actually leaning toward making this year's Vegas venture a combination of personal schmooze-fest, dissertation writing escape, with a little satellite action on the side.

My needs are pretty simple. I'm definitely low maintenance on the financial front. But in life's exercise of feast and famine, dealing with feast beats the shit out of managing famine. But just in case I wasn't paying attention to the cosmic challenge, I had a dream Thursday night. The recently deceased John Kenneth Galbraith spoke to me as I slept. He whispered, "It is a shame that you didn't use your last hours wisely." The message that my dissertation chair's father came from his ultimate slumber to disturb mine was not lost on me.

On a lighter note (and another sure way to escape the dissertation anvil precariously hanging overhead) I was looking (obsessing) at my blog stats. Some of the more interesting ways people searched their way to the blog:
more ass
liz lieu cleavage
pimping radio
Sabina ass
Amy cleavage
Athens whorehouse
dd pizza poughkeepsie

This obsessing over blog hits is the result of early childhood deprivation and is likely to persist into fantasies involving large numbers of young, buff males who worship at the feet of a hairy legged goddess OR lots of alcohol hidden is pineapple based drinks with tiny pink bumbershoots.
Do people really just go to google and type in "more ass" for their search? I mean, "Sabina ass" (whoever that is) or "Liz Lieu cleaveage", those I can understand. But "more ass"? More ass than what?
Nice job in the Omaha MTTs btw. I don't think I've ever sat and played a large MTT for Omaha, either live or online. Maybe one of these days I'll rail you in one.
Hey Amy, if you're interested come play in my weekly homegame tonight on pokerstars, 10pm ET. Details are on my blog today.
Amy --
You might start skewing your own search results if you continue posting them. You might be encouraging people to find very unusual combinations of words in your blog and then search for them, just to get a mention from Amy herself.
Yes, there are some sickos out there!
Congrats on the groping pervert from the Faroe Islands.
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