A Well-Connected Slacker

First of all, let me thank Iggy at Guinness and Poker, Dan at Pokerati, and Haley over at Kick Ass Poker for giving me a shout out. I've already spewed my gratitude and debt to Iggy in an earlier post; which will be unending. I've known Dan every since we ended up at the same table of a media event in Tunica years ago. Although I didn't last long in the tournament, my friendship with Dan has endured. Pokerati hosts a number of fun and irreverent Dallas bloggers and is one of the best blogs covering the poker legislative landscape. And if I recall, that media event table was also where I met Jay Greenspan, who is starting up a new site PokerScribes, fostering poker writers, new and old. And well I've just recently "met" Haley during a chat session during the show at Hold'em Radio. Thanks guys.
And thanks to all the bloggers out there that have already linked me up. I think Al Can't Hang won the link up race, linking to the blog while it was just a twinkle in my eye. I generally resort to coffee for a productivity boost, but based on Al's efficiency, I'm beginning to wonder if SoCo isn't better fuel. Hopefully it will just take a few shots to get my own blog list updated. Thanks for your patience y'all. I swear I'm getting there. Thanks again for the leg up!

Late breaking news: I just got a call from Paradise Poker. I am apparently going to the Bahamas this week to check out their "Conquest of Paradise Island" tournament and do a meet and greet with their marketing team. The only downside is on the swimsuit front - or back really. It seems I've lost even more of my ass since last season. And there is nothing worse than baggy spandex. So I'm going to have to park my self-esteem and do the one kind of shopping we women dread.

I took a little time away from poker and writing yesterday to meet some friends for lunch down at Doc's Motorworks Bar and Grill. Doc's, a converted auto repair shop, is an eatery that holds its own in eclectic South Austin. If anyone out there knows me at all, they know that I'm cheap. That I willingly took out the green monster ('94 Mazda, the green is subliminal as there is little real paint left) with these gas prices meant only two things; these are great friends and I have missed spending quality slacker time in South Austin.

I'm probably going to cut it short today. Slacking yesterday means more prep time required today. Tonight's show on Hold'em Radio will feature guest Matt Lessinger. While I had read Matt's articles, I never had met him until the filming of the last episode of Vegas Virgins last year. Vegas Virgins was a poker reality show aired in the UK; think fear factor meets poker. I had a blast filming it, but thought at the time that we might be setting the low water mark for televised poker. I may have underestimated our ability to dive deeper. Matt has since had his book published; The Book of Bluffs : How to Bluff and Win at Poker - so I'm guessing that will be one of the major themes for tonight. And We'll probably cover some of the rgp and 2+2 feedback on the ZeeJustin interview.
Good luck to zeroth and Debonair playing at Caesar's today. Show 'em how it's done boyz.
Hey there Amy, if you are ever looking for a tourney, try to make it up to NW Austin (Leander) to the Big O.
Good to see you bloggin' again, Amy! I'm enjoying it!
- Justin
Amy, like the blog for its style and content, look forward to following.
I just got back from the Atlantis in the Bahamas, if you haven't been there, it is an awesome treat, enjoy!!
Glad to see you're back and blogging again Amy!!!
Sans suit is always an option if you just can't find the right bathing suit.
Hey Amy, Otis mentioned you over at UFP and I've got you linked up now!
Hi Amy! I just found your blog the other day. I'll be checking back frequently. Good luck with the bathing suit shopping. I bought one last year so I figure I'm good for another decade. hehe
Amy, I just found you from Gracie over at Sheverb. Nice work. A new blog from an experienced blogger. I like the idea. I'll be linking ya up this evening.
Enjoy your freedom! I linked you up on Steal The Blinds. Welcome back!
Welcome back!
I too have made mention of you :-)
Great to see you free!
Welcome back! Hope to see you at the WPBT this summer! I'll link you up tonight when I get home.
Hey Oil, consider yourself cross-linked at http://fuel55.blogspot.com/ would appreciate a bank link.
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